A great solution for an easy meal, tortilla wraps should be a regular item in your fridge. They offer a smart way to recycle leftover protein mingled with the half vegetables still lying around form your previous cook, so train your brain to come up with interesting fillings for a wrap.
In a pan, over medium heat with barely any olive oil you want to gently sweat:
Leek, thinly cut
Carrot, coarsely grated
After a few minutes, turn heat off, and add:
Dill, thinly cut
While the filling cools to room T, prepare the dressing by whisking in a bowl:
Mayonnaise, 1 volume
Horseradish paste, 1 volume
Worcestershire Sauce, a few drops to taste
Lime juice, 1/3 volume
Salt, to taste
This is a pungent dressing, quite strong for the quantity you will be using, which shouldn't be too much, barely enough to coat the filling items well.
NOTE: Smoked trout is usually available in my fridge, and it mingles perfectly here, diced thinly and included in the filling. Chicken will also work great.