The only thing that matters in this salad is the dressing. It is pungent from the fish sauce, sweet, acidic, and silky smooth. I use it in all sorts of salads, and also as a dipping sauce for vegetables and shrimp.
Whisk in a bowl until smooth and uniform:
Sugar, 1,5 tsp
Garlic, 2 cloves, minced
Lime Juice, 2 tbsp
Fish Sauce, 2 tbsp
Peanut Butter, 2 tbsp
Olive Oil, 2 - 4 tbsp (this will depend on the peanut butter brand)
Store in a lidded jar until use. It should keep a fairly long time, especially in the fridge.
For the salad I have mingled:
Kale, steamed
Beetroot, cooked and thinly sliced
Cucumber, washed, deseeded, and sliced
Spring Onion, thinly cut
Peanuts, crashed